How to Prevent Cyberstalking

It’s a scary thought, but cyberstalkers are out there, looking for their next victim. Here is how to stay safe online.

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We see it in movies, on television shows, and read stories about it and somehow it doesn’t feel real. But cyberstalking is something that can happen to anyone, in fact, In the U.S., one out of every 12 women and one out of every 45 men have been stalked at some time in their lives . But why does this happen?

What Is Cyberstalking?

Cyberstalking is when someone uses the internet to harass a victim, follow their activities, and contact them repeatedly. This action is usually done to frighten them or get their attention.  Cyberstalkers may use email, social media, direct messaging, comments on websites, or forums/online communities to stalk.  

Cyberstalking can be done by one person or several people at once. Sometimes, this will become a campaign of posting rumors or edited photos of them for the goal of ruining the reputation of the victim. Hacking is something a more technical cyber stalker will do, they can hack into the victim’s accounts and pretend to be them, severing personal and business relationships. This could also include stealing the victim’s identity or accessing their bank accounts. 

While the methods are plentiful, the goal is unified: To infiltrate every aspect of the victim’s life. 

What Motivates a Cyberstalker?

The motives of a cyberattack vary and the victims of cyberstalkers come from all walks of life.  These people use the internet as a cloak of anonymity to conceal their identity and hunt their prey.  As well, since it is a newer type of crime, in many locations the laws aren’t as established as they should be. This means the cyberstalker feels a sense of power over their victim without consequence. 

Usually, the stalker will know their victim “in real life,” but sometimes if the victim is famous or has a large social media following, they will become obsessed with them and form a parasocial relationship.  

The stalker may feel slighted or rejected by the victim or they may be getting revenge for something they feel the victim has done to them. But the common thread with most stalkers is obsession.  They are obsessed with their victim, they want to get their attention, even if it means causing them pain or ruining their reputation. 

Please know that there is never a reason to cyberstalk someone. If you are being stalked, it is not your fault.  Sometimes, it isn’t possible to prevent cyberstalking but knowing the signs can help you recognize it and take action.

What Are the Signs of Cyberstalking?

Part of prevention is knowing what the signs of cyberstalking are so you can be aware of it and “nip it in the bud” ASAP. 

If you notice any of these signs, block the offender right away:

  • Unwanted and constant messages, even if you’re not replying.  
  • Weird emails or DMs with photos (especially if they’re nudes)
  • You’re hearing rumors about yourself, or seeing negative posts or comments about you on forums or socials
  • Your accounts are being breached
  • If you post your locations online (which…just don’t) you may notice this person showing up at your gym, hang-out spots, or the stores you frequent. 
  • You just have a gut feeling that someone is focusing too much on your activities or following you.

The last point is really important.  To fight cyberstalking or any crime that could happen to you, trusting your instinct is so important.  Learn to listen to your gut, if someone or something seems weird or odd, there is probably something wrong.  LEARN TO TRUST YOURSELF. 

How Can You Prevent Cyberstalking? 

To prevent any type of crime, you need to think like a criminal.  Access is the most vital part of a cyber stalker’s arsenal.  So if you take away their power by concealing yourself, you may be able to beat them at their own game! We understand it’s a hard thing to not post photos of yourself and share your life online but the best way to prevent a stalker is to not give them anything to stalk!  

Here are some tips to help you prevent cyberstalking & stay safe online if you are being stalked.

On Social Media:

  • If you are online as an influencer or professional, keep your personal and business accounts separate. I actually go by a pseudonym on my personal account since my writing is featured online under my real name.  This also prevents anyone you don’t want contact with from your “real life”, from finding you.
  • If you get a weird comment on social media, DM, or email, block and ignore it. Don’t engage with someone who doesn’t deserve it.
  • Avoid posting photos of your home, or even your car. If someone sees a photo of your car online, and knows the general area of where you live, they can find your home easily. 
  • Never post when you’re leaving your home for a vacation. 
  • If you post videos/photos online, try to post them after you get home instead of going live at your location. 
  • Avoid using the check-in option on Facebook.
  • Don’t be afraid to block people you don’t know or unfriend unknown accounts. Being safe is more important than being nice. 
  • Keep your privacy settings air-tight on socials, check them regularly. 

On Your Computer:

  • Review and change all of your passwords regularly. 
  • Update the software on all of your devices. These updates are essential for your security even if they are annoying.
  • Consider using a VPN to mask your identity online and your IP address.

Trust Your Instincts

Cyberstalking is not always preventable but there are some things you can do to keep yourself safe online.  The main thing you should always do when communicating with anyone you’re not familiar with, is to trust your instincts. Don’t discard that little voice that’s telling you what you already know.


Be aware, and stay safe!

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Amy Moore is a dedicated writer, social media manager, and co-owner of Personal Safety School. With a passion for mental health, personal safety, and security, Amy brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the platform. As the author of the critically acclaimed book, The Maze in Your Mind Has a Way Out, Amy delves into the complexities of postpartum OCD, offering readers insight and hope. Her writing extends beyond her book; Amy is an active contributor on Medium, where she explores a diverse range of topics, including mental health, personal safety, and the art of writing. In her role at Personal Safety School, Amy serves as the editor and lead writer, ensuring the content is informative, engaging, and relevant. Additionally, she manages the social media strategy with a focus on Pinterest, helping to expand the reach and impact of Personal Safety School's mission. A military wife and mother, Amy understands the unique challenges faced by families and individuals in maintaining safety and mental well-being. Her personal experiences inform her professional work, adding a relatable and authentic voice to her writing. Connect with Amy on Medium (@AymesSarah) and follow Personal Safety School on Pinterest for the latest updates and valuable resources on personal safety and mental health.

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