Childproof a Fireplace: Everything You Need to Know

Childproof fireplace to keep your kids safe!
Turn your cozy fireplace into a safe haven for your kids. From fireplace gates to cleanup tips, we’ll teach you how to childproof a fireplace.

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A fireplace adds warmth to your home, both literally and figuratively. Houses with a fireplace look more inviting and cozy. So, if you want to have a fireplace in your home, go for it, but keep in mind that your child will also find it inviting and interesting…

Obviously, the fireplace is not a toy, and your child shouldn’t approach it. The biggest danger lies in possible burns, but there are other dangers too, such as inhaling ashes. We will talk more about those dangers and how to childproof a fireplace, so keep reading to learn more!

Understanding the Hazards of a Fireplace

First, let’s go over the dangers of letting your child play around the fireplace. The most obvious ones are fire and burn risks. It takes only a few seconds of not paying attention, and your child can suffer serious and even life-threatening burns

Additionally, your child could throw something highly flammable in the fire and unintentionally cause a housefire. And even if the fire doesn’t spread, you still don’t want your child to throw random (and potentially valuable) objects into the fire.

If there is no fire in the fireplace, there could be leftover ashes or other debris that your child could inhale or swallow. That’s another reason you should childproof a fireplace and keep it clean when it’s not being used.  

Many fireplaces have sharp edges and hard surfaces, especially around the hearth. Fireplace tools could also be sharp, hot, and dangerous for your child. Speaking of tools, even if you keep them out of your child’s reach, your child figure out how to pull them down and get injured.

The same goes for fireplace screens. Sure, they can protect your child from touching fire, but your child might still find a way to topple over or pull down such a screen and get injured.

Steps to Childproof a Fireplace

The best way to childproof a fireplace is to prevent your child from approaching it at all. You can install the fireplace gates and barriers around the fireplace area to do that. This is probably one of the simplest ways to childproof a hearth. 

However, sometimes this method isn’t the best choice for you. Maybe your home layout doesn’t allow installing the fireplace gates, or it’s simply not practical for your family. Fortunately, there are other options for childproofing a fireplace that are just as effective.

For example, you can use corner protectors and padding to cover the sharp edges of your fireplace. This will prevent possible injuries such as cuts, scratches, or even fall injuries. Make sure to find corner protectors and padding that fit your fireplace perfectly so that they offer maximum protection.

Additionally, your child will probably want to touch various fireplace tools and accessories that can be sharp, dirty, and even hot. Store them away from your child’s reach and anchor them firmly so that your child can’t pull them down.    

Finally, we already said this, but it doesn’t hurt to say it again: keep your fireplace clean and regularly remove ashes and debris to prevent your child from inhaling or swallowing it. 

Additional Fireplace Safety Tips

Apart from childproofing your fireplace with various products, you should always keep your eye on your child around the fireplace. No safety product can guarantee 100% safety for your child, so you should never fully rely on them. 

Use the appropriate safety devices, but stay vigilant and keep an eye on your child. Additionally, as your child grows up, you need to educate them about fireplace safety. You won’t always be there to watch their every step. 

Establishing some fireplace safety rules and teaching them to your child is your best protection. As your child grows up and learns these rules, you will no longer have to childproof your fireplace. 

Don’t forget to maintain and inspect your fireplace regularly. This will prevent any malfunction that could endanger your family. 

Childproofing Gas and Electric Fireplaces

In the past few decades, many people have chosen gas or electric fireplaces over traditional ones. As their name suggests, these fireplaces work on gas or electricity. This means that they have different elements from traditional fireplaces, and these elements require additional safety measures.

For example, they usually have glass panels that can get extremely hot. They also have control panels with switches and buttons that might look appealing to your child. You need to ensure that your child can’t reach those buttons. 

Such fireplaces can be childproofed with the aforementioned fireplace gates and barriers. You can also use control panel covers that will prevent your child from pushing the buttons and switches. 

Additionally, you can use a lockout feature that will disable the controls so your child can’t do much, even if they manage to touch the buttons or switches. These features are either physical (a key and a padlock) or electronic (a PIN code entered via a keyboard). 

Devices to Keep Your Family Safe

Finally, not all fireplace safety devices aim solely to protect your children. Some of them will protect the whole family, which is just as important. For example, smoke detectors can prevent the spread of house fires. 

House fires can happen in every home, but homes with fireplaces are obviously at a greater risk. These fires not only destroy your property, but they also take lives. Detecting smoke before the fire spreads can make a difference between life and death.  

Carbon monoxide is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. Yet, it can cause fatal poisoning, so you need to invest in reliable carbon monoxide detectors. These devices will alarm you if there is a high concentration of carbon monoxide in the air.

And let’s not forget about fire extinguishers. Just one spark of timber can cause a fire. Having a fire extinguisher nearby can help you put out the fire before it spreads. 

Make sure that everyone old enough in your household knows how to operate a fire extinguisher. Also, inspect your fire extinguisher at least every few months to make sure it works properly when you need it the most. 

Childproof a Fireplace for a Safer Home

A fireplace can add charm to your home, but it can also be dangerous, especially with small children. Fortunately, you can decrease the danger with safety devices such as fireplace gates, corner protectors, and control panels.

Additionally, by properly storing fireplace tools and accessories, educating your child, and establishing safety rules, your fireplace will no longer threaten your child’s safety. Also, don’t forget to clean and maintain your fireplace regularly.

Finally, the key to your child’s safety is constant supervision. You can never rely fully on safety devices ad barriers, even though they are extremely effective. After all, your child will grow up before you know it, and they will know how to stay safe even without you. But until then, childproof your fireplace and stay vigilant!


Be aware, and stay safe!

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Zeljka Stanic

Zeljka Stanic

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