10+ Tips to Stay Safe if You Are Living Alone

Stay Safe While Living Alone
Take charge of your safety whilst living alone with our guide, from getting to know your neighbors to building your own emergency kit!

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Living alone can be a great experience. You have all the peace in this world, don’t have to share your snacks, and the bathroom is always free! However, it can also be a scary and dangerous experience, especially if you are living in a sketchy neighborhood or vulnerable in any other way.

If you are a young person who lived alone in their 20s, you have probably seen it all: the good, the bad, and the ugly. In many cases, a person’s first experience living alone is in college— when they are still young, busy, and distracted by the excitement of independence. Our goal is not to fearmonger but to help you stay safe while enjoying all the perks of having your whole place to yourself!

Sure enough, living alone isn’t only dangerous for young people. Such a living arrangement isn’t dangerous just because of potential intruders and attackers coming for you, but because of various emergencies that can happen. 

In any case, if you want to stay safe and be prepared for any kind of emergency or attack, you should read on! 

Build a Safe & Secure Living Environment

First of all, prevention is key. So, the first thing you should do is to make your home into a mini fortress:

Choose Secure Locks for Doors

A good lock is an absolute necessity for a safe home. There are several types of locks you can choose from, such as lever handle locks, deadbolts, and knob locks. Deadbolt locks are the most secure option, but you should research other options as well.

Apart from choosing the type of lock, make sure that the lock you choose is made of high-quality materials. Also, proper installation is necessary for your locks to work as they are supposed to. 

Install Smart Locks

Speaking of door locks, you should also consider installing smart locks. These locks allow you to control your door remotely, and you don’t even need keys to close or open your door. Apart from that, smart locks are great for tracking the activity – who un/locked the door and when.

Smart locks can also track unsuccessful entry attempts. This way, you can see if someone tried to enter your home while you weren’t around. You can also integrate this smart lock with a smart home system, allowing you to keep control over your home no matter where you are.

Get a CCTV

Another solution to keep you safe is the video alarm system, also known as CCTV. These systems will allow you to monitor your front door, porch, and the rest of your home surroundings. You can take a look at the cameras in real-time, or you can rewind the recording to any time in the past.

If you want to take it one step further, you can install a camera that triggers various alarms and notifications, depending on your needs. Additionally, many intruders will back away and give up on their sinister plans once they see that your home is equipped with CCTV or an obvious home security system.  

Connect with Your Neighbours

We all know that nosey old lady from your neighborhood who spends her days spying on everyone around her… well, you probably wish she would mind her business for a change, but she could be doing you a favor!

All jokes aside, having a close relationship with your neighbors can be a lifesaver. If anything happens to you, they will be the first ones to help you. They can give you useful advice, keep an eye on your home when you are not around, and even notice if something is weird. And you can return the favor!

For example, there are countless cases in which someone got sick and died without anyone noticing. Such people were often too introverted, making little to no contact with their neighbors. When they got sick or died, sadly, no one noticed. 

On the other hand, if you make friends with your neighbors, or at least make some time for small talk when passing by, they will look for you if you suddenly stop leaving your home.  

Prepare Yourself for Emergencies

Apart from intruders, various emergencies and unexpected situations can compromise your safety. Stay prepared for these emergencies with these tips:

Check Your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Smoke and carbon monoxide are dangerous and even fatal. While smoke is somewhat easier to detect with our senses, carbon monoxide is invisible and odorless, which earned it the “silent killer” nickname.

Still, smoke can also be hard to detect once it is too late— i.e., when the fire spreads or when you have already inhaled too much smoke. To avoid these scenarios from happening, install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

These detectors will emit loud sounds if the levels of smoke and carbon monoxide in your air become too high. They also allow you to react swiftly and get yourself to safety.  

Have a Personal Alarm

In case you live alone, but you are sick, or you might need someone’s help for some other reason, get yourself a personal alarm. These nifty little gadgets can help you call for help in case something bad happens to you.

For example, you can set them to notify your parents, friends, work colleagues, or local emergency services. Simply press the button, and the chosen person will be notified. So, if you get sick, injured, or attacked while alone at your home, having safety devices like personal alarms could save your life. 

Save Emergency Numbers on Your Phone

We all know that 911 is your go-to emergency number when something goes wrong. However, depending on your area, there might be other emergency numbers you can call instead of 911. 

You might also be living somewhere outside of the USA, where there are more emergency numbers. Save them all on your phone so that you don’t have to look them up in situations where every second matters. 

Invest in Backup Generator/Power Banks

Nowadays, almost everything in our home relies on electricity. That includes appliances, lights, electronics, and other devices that keep us safe. But what should you do if there is a power outage in your area? 

Get yourself a backup generator or a power bank. They can provide you with enough electricity until the power is back on. Apart from making your life more convenient, this can also save your life. 

All About Emergency Kits

There are also some items you should always have in your home:

Build Your Own First Aid Kit

In case of injury, you need to be able to get some first aid before going to the hospital. To do that, you need to have some basic first aid supplies, such as adhesive and regular bandages, sterile gauze, adhesive tape, sterile saline solution, tweezers, analgetics, antiseptic wipes, scissors, cold packs, thermometers, etc.

Get all these supplies in one box and store them somewhere in your home. You just built your own first-aid kit! Alternatively, you can buy a pre-made first aid kit at Walmart or order it from Amazon. 

Get a Torch and Spare Batteries

Seeing in the dark is another important aspect of staying safe. In case there is a power outage or another reason why you can’t have your lights on, a torch or spare batteries could be your solution. Make sure to get them, just in case. 

Save Some Emergency Food and Water

These are volatile times, and things can go south at any moment. That’s why everyone should have stored food in water in case an emergency arises. These supplies can save your life in certain situations, and you should always have them in your home. 

Install Smart Water Leak Alarms

Water leaks can make such a mess and force you to pay for expensive repairs. Additionally, while water leaks don’t cause immediate injuries such as fire or smoke, they can compromise the structural integrity of your home, causing it to collapse on you. 

Water leaks can also cause mold infestation in your home, and mold is extremely harmful to our health, sometimes leading to death. With smart water leak alarms, you will be notified of even the smallest leak, allowing you to fix it before it becomes more serious. 

Never Let Your Guard Down

Living alone makes us more vulnerable to various dangers and even diseases. After all, humans are a species that heavily relies on community and collaboration. That’s why, if you live alone, you should put more effort into staying safe.

Hopefully, my tips will keep you safe. I tried many of them while living alone, while others were recommended by my friends in a similar situation. Apart from following these tips, you should always stay vigilant and careful because it only takes a second for things to go awry.

In the end, don’t forget to enjoy all the benefits of living alone. Decorate your home as you wish, dance like nobody is watching, and stay safe! 


Be aware, and stay safe!

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Zeljka Stanic

Zeljka Stanic

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