9 Crucial Women’s Safety Tips for Everyday Life

Women's safety tips for your peace of mind!
Discover 10 essential women's safety tips to navigate everyday life confidently and securely. This is your basic guide!

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Disclaimer: We try to make our content as useful as possible, however Personal Safety School bears no responsibility for any injury or loss incurred as a result of following advice published on our website.

Never has there been a time when women have so much freedom and so many rights. But this is also a time of danger for many of us. Women’s safety is a hot-button topic for a reason…

When in doubt (you know what’s coming if you read this site) trust your gut! Your intuition is your bestie, gals… USE IT!

This guide is also your bestie, so without further ado—these are our women’s safety tips!

Stay Aware of Your Surroundings

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing—pay attention! Perps are less likely to attack you if you’re aware of your surroundings and not distracted. If you live alone, note any changes in your apartment when you get home. This could mean someone was there when you were gone. If you’re walking alone, watch out for anyone following behind you. Look alive, no one else is going to do it for you!

Trust Your Instincts

This one is our favorite! Intuition is one of the greatest gifts we have got. When we ignore our instincts or that gut feeling, we are ignoring our sense of danger. If you feel like something—or someone is “off”, you’re probably right. Get out of any situation that you feel uncomfortable in, and don’t feel like you always have to be nice. Women have been conditioned to not offend or upset people, but sometimes, you need to put yourself ahead of others!

Secure Your Home

Our home is our safe space, and you should treat it as one! Make sure you have good locks on your doors and windows. If you don’t, buy some (if you’re a homeowner). If you rent your place, ask your landlord to replace the existing ones.

Consider purchasing a security system. Security systems not only give you peace of mind, but they usually have panic buttons that notify emergency services if you need help. Ring Doorbells can be valuable to have as well, you can keep an eye on who is around your home when you’re not around, and check who’s at the door before you answer it!

Having a dog has its benefits! Not only are they amazing companions and cutie patooties, but they will let you know if someone is around and likely scare them away!

Practice Safe Traveling Habits

We want to be free and throw caution to the wind while we are traveling. But this is one of the times women should be considering their safety. Bad situations can happen when one is out and about, and many times it’s because we are a little too relaxed while on vacation.

Get a crossbody bag you can hide easily, and keep a special spot for your passport and ID. Leave your expensive jewelry at home, and aim to have a travel buddy. There is safety in numbers! Notify people that you love that you’ll be away, how long your trip is, and your hotel information. At least one person you care about should know where you are…but not everyone needs to know! Keep your trip off socials until after you arrive back home.

Enhance Personal Security

You may feel like you know what to do in an emergency—but do you really? It never hurts to read some books or take a self-defense course. There is power in knowledge and you can never know too much about protecting yourself!

YouTube is a great resource for learning some new moves and information about women’s safety. Many channels teach self-defense, like Nick Drossos‘ channel.

Utilize Technology for Women’s Safety

Technology can be dangerous—spam, phishing, predators, etc. But it can also be a great tool to help you stay safe. Apps like bSafe, have some awesome features like SOS panic buttons, marking yourself as arriving safely, and tracking. These apps are worth their weight in gold!

Reading on websites (like this one) is a great way to educate yourself on women’s safety. And even apps like Reddit, where people share their personal experiences and safety tips are a great way to stay in the loop when it comes to personal safety.

Personal safety devices are another tool you can use to keep yourself safe while out and about. These devices will omit a loud noise and are unbreakable. They are also small and easy to fit in your bag! Use technology to your advantage and try one of these devices. You won’t be disappointed!

Build a Support Network

Friends and family. We all have them and they sometimes drive us up the wall—but we still need them. Keeping a solid group of people that stay in the loop is important. Especially if you’re a woman who lives alone. Pick people who answer their phones and are around when you’re going out. Let them know where you are going, with whom, and when you’ll be back home. And return the favor!

Stay Informed About Safety Resources

There are so many resources out there for personal safety—hotlines, forums, and classes. All of them are valuable, but be sure to go with a reputable source when you’re consuming these types of aids.


All three of these hotlines have agents to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
The National Dating Abuse Hotline: 1-866-331-9474 or 1-866-331-8453
The National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673


Keep in mind that anyone can post anything on a forum, but there is still good information and lots of people to talk to on these sites. Reddit is probably one of the best forums out there, they have subreddits for personal safety, like r/SelfDefense.


Most community centers or gyms will offer self-defense courses. Police stations also have safety meetings you can attend about internet safety. If you take a look online, you will be able to find classes in your area. If you’re living rurally, as mentioned above, YouTube has plenty of self-defense videos that show you how to maneuver within most safety-compromised situations!

Regularly Review and Update Safety Practices

Keep your safety practices up to date. Consult online resources and make sure that your apps are always updated. Perform your software updates for your phone and computer to avoid being hacked. Check your walking route to make sure there aren’t any new dangers—especially if you haven’t walked that way in a while.

Knowledge Is Power

Many of the above tips are about being informed. Read and research personal safety, try out a new safety app, and always plan your route. Being in the loop doesn’t take much time—but it could save your life!



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