How to Prevent a Pit Bull or Other Dangerous Dog Attack

Prevent A Dangerous Dog Attack
Some dog breeds, such as the pit bull and doberman pincher, are known to be dangerous. Here's how to stop a dangerous dog attack.

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People frequently brand the Pit Bull as a “dangerous dog breed”. The potential for a dangerous dog attack when pit bulls or other breeds are mistreated or not trained properly is a serious concern. 

Many believe “there’s no such thing as a bad dog breed, just bad dog owners.” However, If you are attacked, some dogs’ size and brute strength are a dangerous combination.

Are Pit Bulls Aggressive?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Pit Bulls accounted for 66% of dog bite-related fatalities in the United States between 2005 and 2019. That figure makes them potentially deadly, not merely dangerous.

“Sex differences do emerge from data on various types of aggression. Intact (unneutered) male dogs represented 90% of dogs presented to veterinary behaviorists for dominance aggression, the most commonly diagnosed type of aggression.” American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).

Additionally, a study by the AAHA found that Pit Bulls were responsible for the highest number of dog bite injuries requiring emergency medical attention.

Nearly five million people in the US are bitten by dogs each year. The most common victims are children, most of whom are bitten by family pets. But which breed bites the most? That’s hard to say, because according to a new study, ‘unknown’ tops the list.”American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).

“Pitbulls were responsible for the highest percentage of reported bites across all the studies (22.5%), followed by mixed breeds (21.2%), and German shepherds (17.8%).”—AAHA.

Therefore, it would be safe to say you should impart this prevention wisdom to your children.

Preventing Dangerous Dog Attacks

When avoiding aggressive dog attacks, it is vital to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to protect yourself.  

Here are a few tips:

Be Cautious Around Unfamiliar Dogs

Even if a dog appears friendly, it is important to remember that any dog can be unpredictable. Be aware of your surroundings and the behavior of dogs you may encounter. It’s also a good practice to familiarize yourself with common body language and warning signs of an aggressive dog, such as growling, baring teeth, and raised hackles.

Never Approach a Tied-Up or Confined Dog

Do not approach a tied-up dog, as the dog may feel threatened and territorial. A cornered dog is likely to attack or become aggressive if approached.

Avoid Eye Contact

Avoid making direct eye contact with a pit bull or other dangerous dog. Many dogs view direct eye contact as a challenge or a threat, especially pit bulls and other breeds that have a history of aggression. Instead, keep a close eye on the dog’s body language for clues as to how it may react.

Don’t Run

Don’t run or turn your back on a dog. Dogs are natural predators and they may perceive running or turning your back as an act of prey.

Remain Calm

If an aggressive dog approaches you, remain calm and still. Do not make any sudden movements or loud noises. If possible, attempt to slowly back away while keeping your eyes on the dog and avoiding direct eye contact. Seek help where possible.

What If You’re Attacked By a Dangerous Dog?

If a dangerous dog attacks you, here are some things you can do to diffuse the situation:

Use a loud, commanding voice to try and get the dog to stop the attack.
This can startle the dog and distract it from attacking. Yelling commands such as “stop” or “no” in a firm tone can help to interrupt the dog’s aggressive behavior.

Protect your head and neck with your arms.
This can help to reduce the severity of any potential injuries.

Try to put something between you and the dog.
Find an item to act as a barrier between you and the dog, such as a bag or a jacket, or pick up a large stick to help ward off the aggressive dog, and make it more difficult for the dog to bite you.

If You Fall To The Ground…
If you fall to the ground, curl into a ball and protect your face and throat with your hands. Try to remain still and quiet in this position until help arrives.

Things to Carry As Protection

The Pet Safe Spray Shield Animal Deterrent with Clip is an excellent safety device to carry when walking your dog or jogging. This citronella-based repellent is a safe and effective deterrent to defend you or your pet from a strange and possibly dangerous dog while walking or jogging.

Eighty-three percent of the 3,290 verified buyers rated Pet Safe with a four- or five-star review.

Likewise, the same measures you would use to fend off an attack by a human are effective against dogs. Pepper spray and tasers are effective in defending yourself against crazed dogs. Furthermore, dogs cannot take it away and use it against you as some humans can.  

What to Do After a Dangerous Dog Attack

If a pit bull has attacked you, it is vital to seek medical attention immediately. Go see a doctor even if your injuries are minor. Additionally, it is crucial to report the attack to the police and animal control, as this can help prevent future attacks.

After a dangerous dog attack, take steps to prevent future attacks. Animal control or a dog trainer (if the dog is yours) are great resources to prevent a future dog attack.

Additionally, consider legal action against the dog’s owner to hold them responsible for any damages or injuries you have suffered. Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency. They get a percentage of the settlement and are only paid if they reach a monetary settlement.

Take care of your mental health after a dog attack. These events are traumatic, and you may be afraid to be around a dog following the incident. This is normal, but if it interferes with your life, it’s best to see a therapist for care.

In conclusion, pit bull attacks are a serious concern that can result in serious injuries or even death. It is crucial to be aware of the potential risks and protect yourself to avoid pit bull attacks.

When a dangerous dog has attacked you, it’s essential to seek medical attention, report the attack to the police and animal control, and take steps to prevent future attacks.


Be aware, and stay safe!

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