Do Stalkers Use AirTags on Their Victims?

Do Stalkers Use AirTags To Track Their Prey?
Wondering if stalkers are using AirTags to keep tabs on their prey? And if so, what is Big Tech doing to prevent this from happening?

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Apple Airtags have been all the rage lately. People are using them to keep track of their items, pets, and even children. Unfortunately, convenience can come with some drawbacks, meaning some people don’t use these trackers for what they’re intended for. So do stalkers use AirTags to track their victims? And if so, what are companies like Google and Apple doing to prevent it?

What are AirTags?

AirTags are a tracker designed by Apple, they can be attached to an item, pet, or person and omit a Bluetooth signal that can be tracked using Apple’s Find My network. AirTags send their location to iCloud, which sends the data to the Find My network which is viewable on a map.

Sounds cool and convenient, right?

It is, but along with this useful technology comes some questions about AirTags and stalking

Do Stalkers Use AirTags to Track Their Victims?

At the height of AirTag’s popularity, in 2022, there were reports surfacing that stalkers used AirTags to track their victims. In California, two different women filed class-action lawsuits and claimed their tormenters were using AirTags to stalk them.

In June 2022, sadly, a man was murdered by his obsessive ex-girlfriend. Police stated that Andre Smith’s former girlfriend attached an AirTag to his car used it to pinpoint his location, and attacked him. Andre’s family member ripped up the seat of his car and found the AirTag unexpectedly.

A story like this is one that will stick with you, and regardless of their intended use, people have used AirTags to commit crimes against others. So, yes, it is possible for stalkers or cyberstalkers to use AirTags to keep tabs on your location.

Is There a Way to Detect Airtag Stalking?

There is an iPhone feature that detects when an unknown AirTag is traveling with you. If you have an AirTag on your person, your iPhone will send you an alert to notify you. This alert is only triggered when the AirTag is separated from its owner, so if your buddies have AirTags with them while you hang out, no worries about being wrongfully notified.

But what if you are an Android user? Up until June 2023, there weren’t measures to protect Android users from Airtag tracking. So Android users had no way of knowing if an AirTag was on their person. Now, Google has instituted an “Unknown Tracker Alert” on Android phones running Android 6.0 and later. Without having to install an app, Android users will now be notified if a tracker is following their movements!

So, as long as you have a smartphone, you will be notified if an AirTag or other tracker is attached to you. Wondering what you should do if you find a rogue AirTag? We will cover this in a later article!

AirTags, Friend or Foe?

AirTags are a great way to help you keep track of your personal belongings and even your pet. While they do have some drawbacks and concerns in regard to personal safety, Big Tech is doing a good job of protecting the public from these dangers.


Be aware, and stay safe!

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