13 Safety Tips All Runners Should Know

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Here are our safety tips for runners: everything from choosing the perfect gear to running routes. Make your running routine fun and safe!

Table of Contents

Disclaimer: We try to make our content as useful as possible, however Personal Safety School bears no responsibility for any injury or loss incurred as a result of following advice published on our website.

Running is such a great way to improve your stamina and your cardiovascular health. It’s also a great way to spend more time outside, but you need to stay safe while doing so. That’s why we gathered some safety tips for runners that will help you feel safe while enjoying that runner’s high! 

Some of those safety tips for runners include knowing your route, staying visible, and wearing proper clothes and shoes, as well as some lesser-known tips. By the end of this article, you will be ready to run safely, so let’s move on to the first tip!

1. Know Your Route

Exploring the unknown might be exciting, but staying on a familiar route is a much better option for running safely. Many dangers can lurk when you wander into the unknown, such as uneven terrains with overgrown vegetation and dangerous animals, entering shady parts of your area, etc.

However, that doesn’t mean you must run the same route your whole life. You can still explore unknown routes, but there is a safe way to do it. First, you should research new routes online.

Is the route used by many other runners, cyclists, and pedestrians? That means it’s a safe route. Check if it’s visible, well-maintained, with wide paths, and away from heavy traffic. 

Avoid dark alleys, abandoned roads, suspicious parking lots, and other places that look unsafe. Also, ask around for recommendations from other runners. Where do they go to run?

Once you go on your first run on that route, follow the path signs, and don’t wander off. Be aware of your surroundings. If there are other people on the path, stay close to them. This way, you can safely explore new routes. 

2. Proper Gear is Key

Every runner knows the importance of wearing suitable running clothes and shoes. These clothes should be comfortable and allow you to move freely. Choose natural materials for your clothes, and invest in a good pair of running shoes. Your feet will thank you!

Don’t forget to add some reflective gear or LED lights to your running outfit. They will make you more visible if you are running near traffic or you get lost. 

3. Stay Visible

Speaking of visibility, we can not stress enough how important visibility is for your safety. It’s easy to overlook it, but you should never make that mistake. Why? Well, for example, you will sometimes run when there is fog, or the lighting is low. 

In such and other situations with reduced visibility, you need to stay visible. You don’t want to get hit by a car because they couldn’t see you. Don’t just assume that the drivers will see you because there is a good chance that they won’t.

If you get lost, being easily visible will make it easier for the rescue mission to find you. They will be able to spot you much easier than if you blend with your surroundings. 

4. Running with Electronics

Electronics while running: yes or no? A phone and headphones can make your running sessions more fun, but they can also distract you. This is why you should find a balance: bring your phone and headphones with you, but don’t actively use your phone while running.

Apart from enabling you to listen to your favorite songs while running, your phone also comes with several apps that can increase your safety. For example, every modern phone has some GPS tracking app, which ensures you don’t get lost.

You can also use your phone to call for help in case of an emergency.

5. Run Against Traffic

If you have no other option than to run in areas with heavy traffic, you can still stay safe by taking some precautions. First of all, always run against traffic. This way, you will see vehicles coming your way. You can also react faster if you see a car coming too close to you, as opposed to that same car coming from your back. 

Apart from running against traffic, having a bit of situational awareness while running is also important for staying safe. Always keep attention on what and who is in your immediate proximity, and stay vigilant for everything that might look suspicious. 

6. Hydrate and Fuel Up

Many runners make the mistake of not bringing enough water for running. Some even fail to eat enough or to bring snacks on the run, mostly because they are trying to lose weight. 

However, your body needs water and energy, especially when you are putting it under strain by running. Without enough water and energy, your body can collapse, and you definitely don’t want that to happen! 

Fortunately, you can choose from various portable hydration devices that can carry enough water without being a burden when you run. Additionally, energy snacks don’t take much space, and they can give you much-needed energy, so there is no reason not to take one (or two) with you. 

7. The Buddy System and Sharing Your Location

One of the best ways to stay safe while running is to take someone with you. If you have a partner, family member, or friend who would like to run with you, take them. Find more running buddies and run in a group. The more, the merrier!  

When running with someone else, you are less likely to become a victim of an attack. Additionally, four eyes see more than two, and your running buddy might notice some important things that you missed.

You can even exchange some recommendations and safety tips for runners, which is another great part of running with other people. And let’s not forget that you will certainly have more fun than when running alone!

If there isn’t anyone who could be your running buddy, you can share your route with someone close to you. If something happens, they will know where exactly you went.

8. Handling Animals and Strangers

While running, you will sometimes pass by various strangers and even animals. Rarely will those people and/or animals could be dangerous, so you need to know how to deal with them.

First, try running in popular areas where you will be surrounded by other people who can help you and where meeting dangerous people and animals is less likely. Stay alert for anything that looks suspicious. However, this isn’t a guarantee that you won’t stumble upon someone or something dangerous.

In case that happens, you should trust your instincts. If you have a bad feeling about something or someone, don’t ignore it. Instead, carefully remove yourself from that situation. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. 

You should also carry a whistle or a personal safety device that you can use to make a loud sound in case of danger. The sound will deter the attacker/animal and attract the attention of other people. 

9. Warm-Up and Cool-Down Routines

Some of the most common exercise- and running-related injuries happen when people fail to warm up before starting to exercise or run. To avoid sprained ankles and other injuries, always warm up and stretch your body before any exercise. 

After you are done running and exercising, give your body some time to rest and cool down. Replenish lost fluids and eat something. Get a nice and relaxing shower after you recuperate a bit.

10. Weather Considerations

In the last few years, we have been witnessing extreme weather conditions. This change in climate impacts every part of our lives, including our outdoor and physical activities. You need to learn how to run safely even in extreme weather conditions. 

For example, if there is extreme heat, you should avoid running during the hottest part of the day. Instead, run early in the morning or late in the evening. Be sure to bring enough water to stay hydrated! 

Wear running clothes made of natural materials that won’t trap the heat from your skin. Protect your head and eyes from UV rays with a cap and sunglasses. Apply a thick layer of sunscreen on your skin before going outside and take frequent breaks.

In case of extreme cold and rain, wear thermal and water-resistant clothes that will keep you warm and dry. Avoid running during thunderstorms and heavy rain, as you don’t want to get trapped in a flood.

Finally, if the weather conditions are too extreme, even with these tips, consider going to the gym and running on the treadmill instead. Follow our safety tips for runners even in the gym.

11. Knowing Basic First Aid

Minor injuries, such as sprains, scratches, and falls, are common among runners and other physically active people. In the best-case scenario, you will avoid these injuries altogether, but if that isn’t possible, you should learn some basic first-aid practices.

Carry some bandages, tweezers, rubbing alcohol, painkillers, and other medical necessities that can fit into your backpack. Use them to treat your injuries before you can go to the nearest hospital or doctor’s office. 

12. Adhering to Traffic Rules

We already mentioned how important it is to be aware of traffic when running. You also need to adhere to the traffic rules, such as avoiding jaywalking, respecting traffic signals, etc. After all, these rules were made to protect people, not only drivers and cyclists but also pedestrians and runners. 

13. Regular Health Check-Ups

Since running is a quite demanding physical activity that can put a significant strain on your body, it is important that you undergo regular health check-ups. These check-ups can reveal if you should take it easier or if you can continue running as usual. 

Additionally, if you have pre-existing health conditions, such as a bad knee or cardiovascular issues, you should go to health check-ups even more often. If your doctor recommends that you shouldn’t run, you should listen to them and find another way to exercise. 

The Importance of Following Safety Tips for Runners

Running is a fun activity, and you certainly don’t want to ruin the fun by exposing yourself to various dangers. Fortunately, by knowing your route, staying hydrated, wearing proper running clothes, and following several other safety tips for runners, you can stay safe during your running sessions. 

The intention of our article isn’t fearmongering and making you paranoid and scared of daily activities such as running. However, we want to spread awareness about dangers you might encounter when running so that you know how to avoid or deal with them in the best way possible. 


Be aware, and stay safe!

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Zeljka Stanic

Zeljka Stanic

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